How to Run PHP Files on Localhost?

This is my first post on my AllPHPTricks blog so i would like to start with the beginning so even if you are not aware how to run PHP on your local machine you can do it just following this tutorial, let me introduce first XAMPP.

What is XAMPP?

XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). XAMPP is very simple and lightweight Apache distribution, i prefer to use it because you can install it any platform Windows, Linux or Mac.

XAMPP has four main components:

1. Apache
2. MySQL
3. PHP
4. Perl

1. Apache

Apache is a web server that processes PHP files and convert them into simple HTML and send it to the web browser of a user. Apache is the most famous web server today, more than 50% websites using it.

2. MySQL

Almost all the websites that are dynamic needs to store data for that purpose we uses a database. MySQL is an open source and the world’s most famous database management system.


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