jQuery Sum & Subtract Two Input Fields Values

In this tutorial I will explain how to add & subtract two input fields values using jQuery. This is very simple tutorial, you just need to write HTML and jQuery to achieve it.

Note: Don’t forget to include the jQuery library in the header or footer of web page.


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Automatic Serial Number & Zebra Striping in HTML Table Rows with CSS

Today i will going to explain how to add automatic serial numbers and zebra striping in HTML table rows with CSS.

I will write simple HTML table code and i am leaving empty first

of every row, automatically generated serial number will use that empty



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How to Select Deselect All Checkboxes using jQuery

Today i will share a very nice and simple tutorial, this tutorial will explain you how to select or deselect all checkboxes using jQuery.

You will need to include jQuery library in the header or footer of the website, otherwise this tutorial will not work.


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PHP Time Ago Function

Time Ago Function is a function that is commonly used to display time in human understandable format, as you have seen many times on social networks, whenever you post any status on your Facebook, Twitter or any other network, it says posted few seconds ago, 1 min ago, 1 hour age, etc. This is actually done by subtracting the post published time from the current time.

For this purpose we need to store a date in database, date should be in MySQL standard date and time format (“Y-m-d H:i:s”).


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