In this tutorial, we will learn about Laravel 11 Spatie user roles and permissions from scratch.
We will learn how to install Laravel 11, Spatie Laravel permission package and create CRUD for roles, users and products. We will also learn how to assign permissions to roles and attaching roles to users.
This tutorial will teach you how to use roles and permissions to protect routes in Laravel app. Protecting routes is very essential in any application development.

In this tutorial, I will show how to create Laravel 11 custom user registration and login.
By default, Laravel framework comes with a complete user authentication system to cater most applications requirement.
These includes a complete user registration, login and a password reset features. However, sometimes in some projects, you might need a more customized user registration and login system.

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to Create and Update Chart using JavaScript with easy and step by step guide.
First we will learn that how to create chart using JavaScript after that we will also learn how to update chart using JavaScript.
Now a days, creating and updating chart using JavaScript is very important. Sometimes, you may need to display data in visual form either to user or admin.