How to Install XAMPP on Windows 10/11 – Easy Guide

If you are unable to install XAMPP in Windows 10/11, so this guide will help you to install XAMPP on Windows 10 /11 easily. If you are a PHP developer so you should consider to use XAMPP for local environment.


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Create a Custom PDF Viewer With PDF.js and Restrict Downloading & Printing

In this tutorial, I will create a custom PDF viewer with PDF.js, which will restrict users to download and print PDF file. This is the most important feature which is required by several companies to secured their PDF document and restrict downloading and printing.


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Client Side vs Server Side UI Libraries

In this article, we will discuss the differences between the two approaches to data rendering and provide examples of both types among popular software solutions. The article will be useful for the developers dealing with UI.


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PayPal Payment Integration in PHP

In this tutorial, I will explain how to do PayPal Payment Integration in PHP. As of now, it is the most popular online American payment system which makes it easy to send and receive money over the internet.


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