Laravel 10 Custom Validation Rule Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a Laravel 10 custom validation rule. Creating a custom validation rule in Laravel 10 is slightly different from the Laravel previous versions.

Although, Laravel comes with default validation rules such as required, string, email, min, max, unique and many others.


Simple Laravel 10 Factory Tutorial

Today, in this tutorial, we will learn about Laravel Factories by creating a very simple and useful Laravel 10 Factory using PHP artisan commands with simple and easy step by step guide.

We will also use the Laravel Tinker to create records in our database table.

We are using Laravel 10 in this tutorial example. However, you can create and use Laravel Factory with Laravel’s previous versions for example with Laravel 7 Factory, Laravel 8 Factory, and Laravel 9 Factory as well.


Laravel 10 REST API using Passport Authentication

Today in this tutorial, we will learn about how to build Laravel 10 REST API using Passport authentication. We will learn it with example application in Laravel REST API authentication with Passport with step by step guide.

We will develop very simple Laravel 10 Passport API for authentication so that anyone can easily understand them, building API is very easy with Laravel Passport and we can easily build Laravel 10 Passport SPA API.


Laravel 10 REST API using Sanctum Authentication

In this tutorial, we will learn about Laravel 10 REST API using Sanctum authentication by developing a complete Laravel REST API authentication with Sanctum application with simple and step by step guide.

We will build this Laravel 10 Sanctum API authentication in the easiest way so that even those, who are building API for the first time can easily build Laravel 10 Sanctum SPA API.